Client: Tennessee Justice Center
Client: The University of Miami Center for Autism
Client: Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
Personal Project
Client: Bright Horizons
Client: Nashville Entrepreneur Center
Client: The Lajolla Institute for Immunology
Client: Gilda's Club
Client: Mother to Mother
Client: The LaJolla Institute for Immunology
Client: The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
Client: Williamson Medical Center
Client: The TN Council on Developmental Disabilities
Personal Project
Client: MD Anderson Cancer Center
Personal Project
Client: The Nashville Public Library Foundation
Client: Weill-Cornell Medical College
Client: Williamson Medical Center
Client: The LaJolla Institute for Immunology
Client: Weill-Cornell Medical College
Client: The Williams Syndrome Association
Client: Loras College
Client: The Dan Marino Foundation
Client: The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
Client: Weill-Cornell Medical College
Client: The Williams Syndrome Association
Client: The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
Client: Bright Horizons
Client: Rhodes College
Personal Project
Client: Vision Philanthropy Group
Client: The Nashville Entrepreneur Center
Client: Harvard/Mass Eye and Ear
Personal Project
From the doc film: You Don't Know Me
Client: The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
Client: The TN Council on Developmental Disabilities
Personal Project
Client: The Williams Syndrome Association
Client: The Down Syndrome Association
From the film Embraceable
Client: Brilliant Minds
Client: Alive Hospice
Client: The Dan Marino Foundation
Client: Catholic Charities
Client: Lake Forest Hospital
Client: Catholic Charities
Client: Lake Forest Hospital
Client: The Williams Syndrome Association
Client: Centerstone
Client: Catholic Charities
Client: Centerstone
Client: MD Anderson Cancer Center
Client: Rhodes College
Client: The Tennessee Disability Coalition`
Client: Rhodes College
Client: Hasbro Children's Hospital
Client: The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
Client: Rhodes College
Client: Williamson Medical Center
Client: The University of Miami Center for Autism
Client: The Dan Marino Foundation
Client: Centerstone
Client: The Down Syndrome Association of Middle TN
Client: Bright Horizons
Client: Catholic Charities
Client: The University of Southern California
Client: Rhodes College
Client: The Williams Syndrome Association
Client: Harvard/Mass Eye and Ear
Client: Catholic Charities
Personal Project
Client: The Dan Marino Foundation
From the film Embraceable
Client: Hasbro Children's Hospital
Client: The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
Client: Weil Cornell Medical College
Client: The Dan Marino Foundation
Client: The Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities
From the film Embraceable
Client: The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
Client: The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
Client: The University of Miami CARD Center
Client: The Dan Marino Foundation
Client: The Williams Syndrome Association
Client: The Nashville Entrepreneur Center
Client: The Williams Syndrome Association
Client: Alive Hospice
Client: Alive Hospice
Client: The Down Syndrome association
Client: The Nashville Public Library Foundation
Client: Mass. Eye and Ear
Client: Mass. Eye and Ear
Client: Harvard/Mass Eye and Ear
Client: The Greater New Orleans Foundation
Client: Catholic Charities
Client: Catholic Charities
Client: The Dan Marino Foundation
Client: The Nashville Conflict Resolution Center
Client: Centerstone
Client: New Horizons Life Skills
Client: The Williams Syndrome Association
Client: Catholic Charities
Client: Catholic Charities
Client: Catholic Charities
Client: Catholic Charities
Client: The Williams Syndrome Association
Client: The Williams Syndrome Association
Client: The Williams Syndrome Association
Client: Bright Horizons
From the film Avi in the Court of the King
Personal Project
Personal Project
Client: Centerstone